In a heartfelt statement from Peter Betts, CEO of The New Croft, he reflects on the remarkable journey of Lois Balfour, who is set to embark on an exciting new chapter with Chelsea FC after three years at The New Croft.

It’s not often that I write statements or press releases, especially regarding staff, but I am making an exception here as this is a truly proud moment for the facility, myself, and Lois.

I am incredibly proud of the part we have played in Lois’ development over the past three years where we have overseen and supported both her growth and opportunities within the organisation.

Lois joined the organisation three years ago and at the time was finding it challenging to gain full time employment opportunities within the sector that she is clearly passionate about. We quickly identified whilst Lois had a lot to learn and various qualifications to gain, she had one key attribute that would see her succeed in the years that followed – and that was drive.

In one of my first meetings with Lois when she joined the organisation, I asked where would she like to see herself in the future, to which she responded: “Working within the WSL [Women’s Super League] at a professional club as a coach or manager.” My immediate response was, ‘Let’s make that happen then over the next few years, let’s agree on a plan and let’s work towards achieving that goal for you individually’ knowing full well if Lois was to succeed on this journey so would the organisation with it.

Lois subsequently over the next three years developed within her role here where she received various internal promotions seeing her step up from Football Development Officer to Football Development Manager and then to become the Head of The New Croft Foundation. Along this journey Lois developed a whole range of new skills/qualifications and experiences not just within football but also in facilities, leadership and finance. She quickly identified that transferrable skills within these areas were vital to succeed within the industry, as just having a coaching badge like everybody else wouldn’t be enough to reach the top.

Lois now has a range of qualifications including her degree, UEFA B and various leadership qualifications. She has a range of real life work experiences that she has gained here, alongside building relationships with key stakeholders and managing people on a day-to-day basis which will no doubt prepare her for the next steps in her journey and set her aside from the crowd, as she looks to develop to the very top of professional football.

Lois over the past three years here has grasped every possible opportunity, she has stepped out of her comfort zone at times and has been comfortable being uncomfortable in many situations. She has gained some unbelievable experiences observing, working with and being part of groups at Arsenal, Chelsea, Aston Villa, Barcelona, Ipswich Town, Nike, Powerhouse and Women in Football gaining valuable experiences with people at the very top of the industry which will help her in her next steps.

It is important to remember during this period of employment at The New Croft whist developing herself,  Lois has overseen, supported and been a part of delivering continual support to 50 plus teams at Haverhill Rovers FC. Supported coach development, the delivery of a £1.3 million 3G project, launched over twenty Football in the Community programmes which support people of all ages, genders and abilities, launched special educational needs school programmes, launched a new post 16 education football programme, supported recruiting and retaining excellent staff and has been a key part of incorporating the new charitable arm The New Croft Foundation a UK registered charity.

In reflection having spent the last three years working alongside Lois as her line manager, mentor and male allies within the game, I am incredibly proud that she has now gained full time employment at Chelsea FC as the plan we set out for her has been delivered. Whilst I accept that we have provided Lois with some amazing development opportunities here, the plan has only been achieved because of Lois’ desire to succeed and grasp those opportunities put in front of her.

We pride ourselves here on providing opportunities and when I reflect on where Lois was three years ago to where she is now it brings me nothing but pride and satisfaction. Lois is an incredible human being and has been like an extended family member to me. She is driven to succeed and has all the key traits required to reach the very top of the game. Whilst Lois is going to be missed at The New Croft, the post she leaves behind is a far more attractive post to the one she first joined all those years ago.

Seeing an individual develop from The New Croft to Chelsea FC says it all and we cannot wait to see Lois progress and will remain her number one supporter here. We wish Lois all the best in the future and hope you will join us in thanking her for providing some of the work, investment and time she has placed into our local community over the past three years.


Peter Betts
CEO of The New Croft